以下はアメリカの成功したFIRE(Financial Independence, Retire Early)ブロガー20人のリストです。彼らは個人の経験と洞察をもとに、経済的自立と早期退職を達成するための豊富な情報を提供しています。
- JL Collins (The Simple Path to Wealth)
- Blog: jlcollinsnh.com
- Karsten (Early Retirement Now)
- Blog: earlyretirementnow.com
- Joe Udo (Retire by 40)
- Blog: retireby40.org
- Jeremy and Winnie (Go Curry Cracker)
- Blog: gocurrycracker.com
- Justin (Root of Good)
- Blog: rootofgood.com
- A Purple Life
- Blog: apurplelife.com
- Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett (ChooseFI)
- Blog: choosefi.com
- Jim Collins (JLCollinsNH)
- Blog: jlcollinsnh.com
- Grant Sabatier (Millennial Money)
- Blog: millennialmoney.com
- Paula Pant (Afford Anything)
- Blog: affordanything.com
- Physician on FIRE
- Blog: physicianonfire.com
- Kiersten and Julien Saunders (Rich & Regular)
- Blog: richandregular.com
- Frugalwoods
- Blog: frugalwoods.com
- Go Curry Cracker
- Blog: gocurrycracker.com
- Millennial Revolution
- Root of Good
- Blog: rootofgood.com
- Tanja Hester (Our Next Life)
- Blog: ournextlife.com
- The Mad Fientist
- Blog: madfientist.com
- Tawcan
- Blog: tawcan.com
- Mr. Tako Escapes
- Blog: mrtakoescapes.com